For Enterprise

Be an Enterprise Advisor (EA)
If you are passionate about inspiring our youth, advising their career and life development, join us as Enterprise Advisors! According to findings from recent school survey on career and life development, schools believe businesses’ involvement is essential to enhance and enrich youth’s career and life development as well as their education to employment journey.
Enterprise Advisors (“EA”) are the cornerstones of CLAP@JC Hong Kong Benchmarks (“HKBM”) for Career and Life Development (“CLD”) programme. EA is a group of like-minded voluntary business professionals who are passionate about young people’s development. EA work closely with secondary schools to contribute to the development of career and life development education and bring positive impact to our future talents.
Roles of Enterprise Advisor (“EA”)
Each EA will work closely with a secondary school on a 1:1 basis, with the aim to bring their business experience and professional networks to help schools in enhancing their CLD strategy as well as enriching youth’s CLD journey:
- Support the development of the school’s strategic plan to ensure every student receives meaningful employer encounters and workplace experiences
- Provide access to their local business networks and encourage more business involvement and engagement to support CLD curriculum
- With the joint effort from matched schools, design employer engagement activities which are tailored to the needs of students, teachers and parents

Being our Enterprise Advisor, you can:
Personal level
- Extend your networks and gain experience for personal growth
- Sharpen interpersonal skills e.g. coaching, communication and strategy development for career advancement
- Give back to the community, help improve outcomes for youth
- Better understand the education sector and the challenges faced
Organizational level
- Add value to your company’s brand image
- Extend your networks, gain insights and bring them into your organization
- Develop the future skills pipeline for your sector or organization
- Develop skills of existing employees e.g. coaching, communication and strategy development

Become our Enterprise Advisor
for Cohort 3
(Sep 2023 – Aug 2025)
If you are:
- Senior-level leaders / managements of the company / Professionals / Enterprises from different industry sectors and backgrounds
(employed, self-employed / recently retired are all welcome)
- Willing to contribute to youth development and CLD provision, and are enthusiastic to bring a positive influence on students, teachers and parents
- Strong in personal networks and have sound understanding of business world and labour market, willing to share connections and knowledge with school
- Ready to spend around 3 hours per quarter in supporting school’s CLD journey for 2 academic years
For any enquiry, please email us at