HKBM Articles
The Hong Kong Benchmarks for Career and Life Development (HKBM) is not only a self-improvement tool but a process that key players of career and life development (CLD) in Hong Kong make concerted efforts to cultivate a sense of future for our young people. This knowledge sharing section contains articles written and shared by key players (eg project champions, researchers, project fellows, school leaders and experts from the communities) in this HKBM process.
Developing Benchmarks for Career and Life Development
in the UK and Hong Kong
Sir John Holman
Dr. Stephen. Y.W. Yip
Stories about “From Good to Great” : The Hong Kong Case of Building a Common Systematic Self-Improvement Model for Career and Life Development in Schools
Dr. Stephen. Y.W. Yip
The Four Common Misconceptions of CLD:
“Inspirations from the Benchmarks for Career and Life Development”
Dr. Stephen. Y.W. Yip
How compatible are the HKBM and the Education Bureau’s Guide on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance?
Dr. Stephen Y.W. YIP
In Search for Effective Career and Life Development: The Map, Friends and Stories
Dr. Stephen Y.W. YIP