Intervention Tools
Traditional CV focuses a lot on academic qualifications, while CV360® focuses on youths’ “paid” and “unpaid” experience which allows them to showcase their strengths from different angles. By exploring their own VASK (Values, Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge) with this tool, youths would understand more about themselves and present to the others.
Practitioners could make use of this tool to help youths to consolidate their life experience from time to time. Through reviewing their CLD journey, youths could see what they have learnt and explore multiple pathways.
The card sort was designed to support youths to explore their own VASK (Values, Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge) through reviewing ENOW experiences. It helps youths to understand themselves more and facilitates the discussion about their career and life development.
Practitioners could make use of this tool to encourage youths to appreciate themselves and inspire them to transfer their own VASK to different roles within their careers and daily lives, including learning career, leisure career and vocational career.
VASK Game Book
Practitioners from 6 Resource NGOs in CLAP@JC consolidated 36 ways of playing VASK card sort and shared their experience in this game book. Readers can make use of this game book and VASK card sort to provide CLD interventions to youths. 36 games cover personal counselling, small group activity and big group events. It aims to support youths to explore their own VASK (Values, Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge) through reviewing ENOW experiences, also to help youths to understand themselves more and facilitates the discussion about their career and life development.
ENOW Game App
The CLAP@JC Mobile Game Applications are an intelligent platform to allow social workers to use an interactive platform as an intervention tool to understand youths and explore multiple pathways together with them.
The most special on this game is the integration of online and offline experience. Practitioners could make use of this mobile game to engage youths with online games and discover their interests and strengths.
After completing 8 mini games in the first stage, social workers will bring the youths to real-life activities, including voluntary work and other engagement activities, also to offer prizes to the participants.
ENOW Mapping
ENOW Mapping Worksheet provides a set of guiding questions for youth to review their life experiences. Practitioners can make use of this tool to support youth to identify their valuable memories and potential CLD opportunities.
ENOW Mapping & VASK Cards (Online Version)
- Please download the App when you are using tablet or smart phone for more functions
- The original file is “View only”. Please “Make a copy” before editing.
- When you are using this tool for group activity, please expand frame bar and “Duplicate” the ENOW Mapping until every group member got their own sheet.
- This file contains CLAP@JC VASK card materials. You may invite group members to copy and paste the VASK cards which are relevant to their ENOW experience for further sharing.
Intervention Guidelines
Youth Development Index
Youth Development Index is an initial assessment tool for practitioners to understand youth’s current status and readiness to navigate multiple pathways by empirical analysis of youth condition.
CLD Blueprint
Practitioners can make use of “ENOW-VASK Card Sort” and this worksheet to design a series of CLD activities: (1) auction of VASK cards can be launched for youths to enhance self-understanding and discover their unique values, attitudes, skills and knowledge; (2) According to youths’ strengths and interests, relevant workplace learning activities can be arranged for them to explore multiple pathways and equip themselves with practical skills; (3) Debriefing with youths to record insights from different experiences, consolidate VASK and formulate career roadmap.