network schools

The implementation of the programme will cover three cohorts of Network Schools (each lasts 2 years) reaching up to 144 schools over five years, covering about approximately one third of local secondary schools. Over the programme period, Network Schools will self-evaluate and plan their school-based CLD provisions using the HKBM with critical friend support provided by a cross-disciplinary HKBM team from education, social work and business sectors, which aims to bring in their knowledge and insights to build sustainable whole school CLD provisions. Key support for Network Schools are as follows:
1. Networks
School Networks (Hubs):
Each network school will join a School Hub to cultivate peer support, exchange of good practices and sharing of resources amongst themselves. A resource school together with professional facilitators will lead the Hub to drive the Hub’s direction and foster a community of practice. Hub leaders and the HKBM Team of professionals will conduct onsite school visits.
Business and Enterprise Networks:
Each network school will be paired with an Enterprise Advisor (volunteer from business
sector), who commit their time in providing strategic advice on CLD provisions (Benchmarks 3, 7, 8 & 10) and specific support at activity level to teachers, students and parents if appropriate.

2. HKBM Tools, Critical Friend Support and Resources
Each network school will receive cross-disciplinary critical friend support from the HKBM Team on school self-evaluation and action planning on CLD.
Each network school will be given toolkits, case studies on good practices and resource materials. Regular e-newsletter/ bulletin with multiple pathways information, regional and global research and insights etc.
3. Accredited Professional Development Programmes
Each network school will receive accredited training offered by EdUHK on CLD (Benchmarks 1-10) for all levels of stakeholders in the school through
- 3-hour training seminar for Principals, Senior Leadership Team (SLT) member(s), PTA representatives and/ or school governors (Certificate of Attendance).
- 33-hour training for representatives from network schools including Career teachers, PTA teacher, Head of student development, ECA master/representative, representatives of subject curriculum (Accredited Certificate equivalent to QF Level 5 difficulty).
- 1-day training session targeting all teaching staff and/or School Social Worker (Certificate of Attendance).

4. Signature Campaigns
A few selected schools will join the ‘Alternative Path Finder Scheme’ (AFPS) and will receive tailor-made support from Community Connectors for conducting social work-oriented case management services, as well as bridging relevant resources from communities to schools and students. (Benchmarks 4 & 6)
Each network school is funded with ‘seed money’ to start up a CLD Club to foster students’ sense of ownership in CLD and promote quality youth-led CLD activities with peers. (Benchmark 5)
The externship campaigns – “Take a CLAP Day” and “Take a CLAP Year” to broaden teachers’ horizons in the world of work by exploring another occupation/ profession, will be organized and made available for application from individual teachers with interests, passion in CLD and time commitment. (Benchmark 2)
Network schools will be invited to participate in the bi-annual Career Expo which will be a platform to showcase student co-created initiatives .(Benchmark 5)
5. Infrastructure
Each network school can enjoy the convenience of using a user-friendly online data platform to record schools’ progress of HKBM self-assessment for reviewing school development in CLD and action planning.
Each student in network schools will have systematic records of their CLD journey subject to school-based arrangement (including students’ CLD activities and encounters) and personal profiles through the youth-centric data platform. The platform also aims to facilitate Career teachers, school social workers and/ or career advisors to provide personal guidance. (Benchmark 6)