Ecosystem-based Navigation-oriented CLD Competencies Framework

Building on the success of Youth Development and Intervention Framework (YDIF) developed in the first five years of CLAP@JC, the Ecosystem-based Navigation-oriented CLD Competencies Framework (hereafter “The Framework”) is constructed to serve as an overarching framework which governs CLAP@JC’s community interventions to adopt an ecological perspective for a more holistic case management.

As a major component in the Framework, YDIF emphasises on youth-led engagement and strength-based intervention. Its 4 pillars of CLD journey provide youth work practitioners a reference for programme design and execution with room for flexibility. Meanwhile, the concepts of navigation skills and opportunity structures are incorporated into the Framework to highlight the importance of youth’s social resilience, stakeholder engagement and mainstreaming of CLD services.

The Framework provides a direction and sets a standard on the design and delivery of CLD services. Through the Framework, CLAP@JC aims to create a youth-enabling environment by promoting an aligned career and life perspective across the industry and fostering cross-sectoral collaboration to support youth’s school-to-work transition.

Youth-Centric Approach

Emotion-oriented Intervention

Co-creating a Dynamic Online and Offline Journey with Young People

Knowledge Building for Young People CLD Pathways

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