Our Team

CLAP@JC is created and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, and co-created by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Education University of Hong Kong.


Advisory Committee members

Ms. Diana Cesar, JP


Voting Member

The Hong Kong Jockey Club

Mr. Alan Cheung, MH


Ex-officio Advisor

Hong Kong Young Industrialist Council

Mr. Hoi-Wai Chua


Chief Executive

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Ms. Jade Wong, Sin-Yee


Assistant Commissioner for Labour (Employment Services)

Labour Department

Mr. Lee Ching Pong


Assistant Hon. Secretary (EC)

HK Subsidized Secondary Schools Council

Prof. Alvin Leung, Seung-Ming


Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Ms. Hayly Leung


Vice Chairman, Manpower Committee

Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

Ms. Cecilia Sze, Sin-yu


Principal Assistant Secretary (Youth Affairs 2)

Home and Youth Affairs Bureau

Prof. Chetwyn Chan, Che Hin


Vice President (Research and Development)

The Education University of Hong Kong

Mr. Edward To, JP


Deputy Secretary for Education 

Education Bureau

Mr. Donald Tong, GBS


Executive Director 

Vocational Training Council

Ms. Lai-Chu, Chan


Assistant Director

(Youth and Corrections) 

Social Welfare Department 

Strategy Lead Team

Dr. Stephen Yip

Director (Schools) 

Prof. Steven Ngai

Director (Community, PI)

Mr. Brian Cheng

Director (Business)

Prof. Jacky Cheung

Co-Director (Research, Community, Co-PI)

Ms. Apple Tse

Co-Director (CLD Mainstreaming)


Dr. Kent Lam

Co-Director (CLD Mainstreaming)


Mr. Charlie Chan

Co-Director (CLD Mainstreaming)


Mr. Ringo Chan

Co-Director (CLD Mainstreaming)


Mr. Johnson Chu

Assistant Director (Youth Engagement)

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