Hong Kong Benchmarks for Career and Life Development (HKBM)
HKBM is a systematic self-improvement framework for schools to build quality CLD provisions that can be benchmarked with global standards. It aims to empower schools to add value to their existing CLD efforts through a strategic lens.
With experience gained from Phase I, the HKBM has been co-created and localised in consultation with CLAP’s global adviser Sir John Holman (the author of UK’s world-class Gatsby Benchmarks) and local educators, ten guiding principles (or “Benchmarks”) for CLD was derived and piloted in six schools with diverse backgrounds since September 2019.
Building on the foundation of the pilot, the HKBM become an integral part in CLAP@JC.
Network Schools
Led by The Education University of Hong Kong, the implementation of the programme will cover three cohorts of Network Schools (each lasts 2 years) reaching up to 144 schools over five years, covering about approximately one third of local secondary schools. Over the programme period, Network Schools will self-evaluate and plan their school-based CLD provisions using the HKBM with critical friend support provided by a cross-disciplinary HKBM team from education, social work and business sectors, which aims to bring in their knowledge and insights to build sustainable whole school CLD provisions.

Support for Schools/ Educators
We have provided different areas of supports to schools to achive benchmarks.