Suet Ying’s dream is to become a dog trainer. She used to aspire to be a zoo keeper as she loves animals since she was a child. But she became less confident in herself over the years, frustrated by problems with her academic results and friendship with peers. Fortunately being inspired by a social worker, her passion for training animals was rekindled. With support of “Dare to Achieve: Strive for a Different Life” Award Scheme, she enrolled again in courses and started applying for internship.

As simple as it may seem, training animals is challenging. Besides various command and skills to take good care of animals, she also learnt to rectify problematic behaviour and improve communication skills. After completing the course, she held a sharing session on what she learned with others.

She became more open minded and eager to explore different possibilities in her career after the scheme, instead of confining herself to the pet industry. She understands that it will take certain time and hard work to become a dog trainer, so she has returned to study and participated actively in different activities in ways that will help fulfilling her dream.

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