Take A CLAP Year
Career and Life Development is essential to every single youth. Youth workers should provide more or less relevant support to their youths. But could you imagine what could happen when a social worker is asked to take his/ her own CLD adventure?
In this programme, we aim to equip social workers with practical skills from their serious leisure and groom them to become CLD champions. They will then take part in actual workplace with youths to navigate multiple pathways together. Mystery guest may be present to witness their determination and efforts on CLD journey too. Additionally, the nominated social workers will support the sharing sessions & workshops with fellows and build CLD Community of Practice in the field.
Take A CLAP Year
Take A CLAP Year
YOT & YND Edition
CLD Exposure Campaign – YOT & YND Edition
CLAP@JC – CLD Exposure Campaign (YOT & YND Edition) has been launched to provide funding to social workers from Youth Outreaching Teams (YOTs) and Overnight Outreaching Service for Young Night Drifters (YNDs), to spontaneously take part in training workshops and workplace learning programmes with targeted youth beneficiaries. It aims to enhance social workers’ CLD experience and confidence through internship programmes and facilitate their work of adopting CLAP@JC model & elements in youth service.
The campaign is open for applications throughout the year.
Successful Cases
Tai Po District Youth Outreaching Social Work Team – Jenny Chen Special Guest – Florica Lin
The day of Florist
YMCA Hin Keng Centre – Jessica Mo
Special Guest – Florica Lin
What dose an organiser usually do?